Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Post-Kickstarter Update XXVIII: Dwarf Straftruppen, Troglodyte Brute and Scenery...

Work is now underway on Wave 3...
3D Prints:
Good news in that the Dwarf Straftruppen section, Wojtek the Trog Brute and Kaiser and Grossmeister Brauer of Khâllazdûrin Alberich have all been printed ready for moulding and look wonderful.
Unfortunately the prints are printed in a very bright orange resin that is not easy to photograph as you can see...

Even playing with them in Photoshop does little to improve things...

But they are very, very nice and will undoubtedly prove popular.
Here are Steiner and Dietz...

And Wojtek stuck together with Blu-tac, hence the gaps...

Rob will take photos in a nice grey resin that will show off the exceptional detail once he has moulded and cast them!
Rob was printing the Dwarf zombi when I left so hopefully we'll have photos of them quite soon (not in orange!)
We managed to take some photos of the new Troglodyte scenery beautifully painted by Hannah and we am sure you'll all want to buy some now...

And that is it for this update, more as soon as we have it!